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  • First Mile : Sink

    The Wave Talk faced challenges in automating and transitioning to IoT sensors due to limitations of water quality sensors. However, they developed a maintenance-free, compact water quality sensor using laser light path technology. This technology measures all impurities accurately at 1/10th the size and 1/100th the cost, and enables data management from anywhere at any time through IoT sensors. This technology revolutionizes water resource management and ensures clean water quality everywhere.

  • First Mile : Infrastructure

    Water sources and resources (oceans, rivers, groundwater, lakes, dams) Measuring the water quality of raw water provides essential preliminary information for water purification. Accurate monitoring of water quality allows early detection of pollution and microbes, contributing to environmental protection and management. Water supply facilities (water treatment plants, water tanks) Water quality management in facilities that can have a wide-reaching impact on the water supply network is crucial and influential. In particular, individual monitoring of hundreds to thousands of membranes for purification will become a key technology for the future of water treatment plant management. Pipeline (distribution networks) The pathways through which water travels require continuous maintenance, including pipe replacement and repair. Practical water quality data enable appropriate maintenance, leading to reduced management costs.

  • Last Mile : Individuals

    Public and Community Facilities Water quality management in large public institutions and buildings is crucial due to their significant impact, and must be more stringent. Facilities like kindergartens, nurseries, postnatal care centers, and nursing homes, which house individuals vulnerable to infections, must prioritize the management of drinking and utility water quality as it is directly linked to health. Maintenance-free water quality monitoring contributes to cost savings and customer satisfaction, and its ease of use and maintenance allow staff to conveniently utilize it. Ex) Public drinking fountains, smart buildings, hotels and resorts, kindergartens, postnatal care centers, nursing facilities. Food Service Establishments Water quality in food service establishments is an indicator of hygiene and is measured as part of hygiene grading systems. Clean hygiene management not only provides the best service to customers but also pre-emptively manages the risks associated with water quality issues. Water quality management for raw water used in drinking and cooking, and contamination management for appliances like water purifiers, coffee machines, and ice makers, are essential. Reliable data allows staff and managers to organically manage the facility. Ex) Food courts in department stores, large supermarkets, malls, mass catering facilities in schools and military bases, facilities using commercial ice makers (cafes, bars, restaurants) Homes Using a water quality tester at home allows individuals to regularly check and manage water quality, protecting health and safety. It also enables the hygienic management of water-related appliances like water purifiers and humidifiers. Personal water quality testing tools collect high-quality water data at many touchpoints, ultimately enabling everyone to enjoy clean water quality. Ex) Water purifiers, washing machines, dishwashers, air conditioners, humidifiers and other small appliances, smart water meters, smart faucets, smart appliance bacterial monitoring.

  • Extra Mile : Inversion

    Waste Water Treatment IoT sensors for water quality monitoring are crucial for the efficient operation of wastewater treatment plants. They monitor various parameters of incoming wastewater, guide the treatment process, and ensure the treated water meets the required standards for discharge or reuse. By providing real-time data on the effectiveness of treatment processes, these sensors help in adjusting operations to reduce energy consumption, lower operational costs, and enhance the sustainability of water resources.

  • Mid Mile : Industry

    General Industry Sudden water quality issues in industrial water can lead to product quality problems and reduced factory operation rates. Especially, membranes used for the stable supply of water tailored to the requirements of each industrial sector need continuous maintenance, so rapid response through water quality monitoring is essential for maintaining process quality and productivity. Ex) cooling water monitoring, monitoring the quality and stability of production processes, membrane monitoring in RO and UPW processes, monitoring water for cleaning precision products like PCBs and displays, CIP monitoring, and real-time monitoring of wastewater discharge standards. Hospitals and Laboratories In hospitals and laboratories, water quality sensors are used for hygiene management and equipment cleaning verification, allowing for the rapid and accurate measurement of water and solution turbidity to ensure patient safety and the accuracy of experiments. They can be efficiently utilized within hospitals due to their ease of use and quick result delivery. Ex) monitoring of sterilized water, distilled water, purified water, pharmaceutical water, and water for injection, facilities using medical and laboratory ice makers, rapid tests for urinary infections, etc. Food/Biotech In the food and pharmaceutical sectors, where bacteria management is crucial, continuous quality management of raw water and products is a legal requirement. Sensors that can quickly and automatically measure the total amount of foreign substances in water, and further, the total amount of bacteria in water, are provided to ensure a safety-first environment. Ex) rapid tests for bacterial contamination in aquaculture, heterogenous bacteria tests, digital culturing (presence of bacteria, total count, species differentiation), smart factories (various raw and process waters in the food and biotech industries), smart farms (real-time monitoring of various agricultural waters and nutrient solutions).

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